TopBike Rental & Tours
Compared to urban traffic can not be said that Rome is a city easy! he heavy traffic and a bit ‘messy, the seven hills with gentle slopes, the cobblestones slippery with the rain … But despite all the more motivated and have fun in the brave take a guided tour by bike . Surely the neighborhood best suited for a bike ride is the Campo Marzio. The Campus Martius was the only place really flat in Rome, was used since antiquity for training of the army, it will explore to head towards Piazza S. Peter. Our goal is to help you discover the true heart of Rome. Driving along the shaded streets of the center and penetrate fairly in the courts of the various palaces of Rome.
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Top Bike Rental & Tours
Free Tours
Route No. 1
We start the tour from Piazza di Spagna to head towards Piazza del Popolo and the Ara Pacis, whose new production of Richard Meier has been much criticized, but also much appreciated! The Way of the Coronary take us “beyond the Tiber”, on the right bank: Palazzaccio, Castel Sant’Angelo and St. Peter’s (Basilica of the visit is not included).
The famous Via Giulia with its numerous palaces let soak for a few moments in the Roman Renaissance. On our way we will see Palazzo Spada, the Palazzo Farnese, Campo dei Fiori, Santa Maria della Pace, Piazza Navona, Palazzo Madama, San Luigi de ‘French, the Pantheon, Piazza della Minerva, St. Ignatius Piazza di Pietra, Deputies, Palace Chigi Piazza Colonna, Trevi Fountain, Piazza del Quirinale and finally return to the starting point, the Spanish Steps.
Route No. 2
Starting point for this archaeological tour is the Colosseum. The visit includes a walk in the hills of Rome to the discovery of the Roman Republic and Empire. After the description of the Colosseum, we drive through the Celio, to the Baths of Caracalla by a fermatina Villa Celimontana. From Little Aventine, which houses the Baths of Carcalla, we will take a small trip to the Great Aventine which offers a breathtaking view over the valley of the Circus Maximus and the Imperial Palaces on the Palatine. I mention the origins of Rome in the Forum Boarium, now famous for the presence of the Mouth of Truth, preserved in the portico of the church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin. Go through the Ghetto, then, “beyond the Tiber” by passing on the Tiber Island to reach the Region XIV Augustan: the current district of Trastevere.
Our itinerary also includes the Tarpeian rock on Capitoline Hill, the Teatro di Marcello, Piazza Venezia and Fori Imperiali